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Types of text

There are numerous types of text and many ways to manipulate the text. There are headers, paragraphs, lists, etc. plus many ways to manipulate the text as you see fit.
   Headers: <h2>header</h2>, with options h1,h2,...,h6 (smaller numbers = larger text)
   Paragraphs: <p>paragraph</p>
   Lists: many options (see web tutorial on w3schools.com)
Text manipulations:

<font>Text influenced by tag.</font>

Other text manipulators include div and span.

Tag Attributes and more on text manipulation

Tags need not only contain the tag's declaration or a file reference. Attributes to be more specific of what we would like the tag to do. For example, we can change the background color in the entire body of our document.

<body bgcolor="yellow"> <!-- Makes page background yellow -->

The text manipulators are heavy on using tag attributes since without them they are worthless. Some possible tag attributes: face (font face), color, size. Other tags that may be useful are bold and italics: <b>bold</b> and <i>italics</i>.

TIP: You can be specific with colors by using the form "#99BB9F", which can specify any colors desired (with some fuss of getting the 6 right hexadecimal numbers -- the first two numbers specify the intensity of red, the second two specify green, and the last two blue).

TIP: To have a link open a new window, use the attribute target="_blank" in the address tag. That is

<a href="page.html" target="_blank">Page opens in new window</a>

Why don't we spend more time on text manipulation? We're going to dive into cascading style sheets momentarily, which are much better at manipulating text. We're not spending more time on attributes since there are so many for each type of tag and it is best to learn these on the fly rather than formally.

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